A variety of colors represented by ingredients on a plate has become increasingly important for me as I have become more mindful of using vegetables and fruits rich in nutrients, particularly antioxidants (calling it antiox), fiber, and probiotics.
Growing up in Japan, I was taught it’s important to incorporate five colors in a meal, i.e., red (red pepper, tomato, raspberry, strawberry, pomegranate), yellow (pumpkin, golden beet, lemon, orange), green (asparagus, avocado, broccoli, brussels sprout, green bean, green pea, kale, spinach), black/brown (blueberry, brown rice, mushroom, olive), and white (cauliflower, daikon, garlic, onion, feta cheese).
In cooking preparation, I prefer to use fingers freely if that works – snapping off the ends of asparagus, tearing up kale leaves, breaking broccoli and cauliflower florets apart in smaller pieces – and cook briefly so that they are still crunchy. I like to experiment with new spices (Burlap & Barrel is my current favorite) and sauces. Some dishes (curry, Korean) call for strong flavors be added, and I still try not to have them overpower the intrinsic flavor of ingredients.
Food preferences are so personal, so please take any ideas from DL and customize as you wish.
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